Site Info
About the web portal:
This domains, as well as the former domains,.org, info and (since 1999), were transferred to Area250 in 2014, and all redirected to until 2024 to maintain continuity for residents of the area. Those sites and mail services are no longer active.
Area 250 continues to promote this town and its surroundings, both today and in the future.
The site is privately maintained and not publicly sponsored; however, any Google ads you see help to partially cover the costs of hosting
I don’t get paid to maintain or update this website; it’s more of a pastime to keep me sharp at what I’ve been doing for the past 25 years or so.
Contact if you’d like to place an ad or simply make a donation to assist cover costs.
Affordable ads for local businesses only, starting in 2022.
You can have a more prominent embedded ad on any page of our site that is not affected by ad-blocker software on viewer’s browsers, such as the Area250 and grocery advertisements on the Home page, for as little as $50 per year.
Mail – has being phased s been phased out. The mail service was given free of charge and had been continued for over 10 years.
The last big site update was done April 2022, the last total update of this site was in 2020 and minor updates are always in progress. Many of the links you may remember are gone, businesses have closed, people have moved away (there’s barely anything left of this town) and some websites are now obsolete. The links you see now are as current as possible. Contact if you see an error, or think something should be added.
Cafe and restaurant owners will get their menus posted under the Local Dining tab on the front page absolutely free. Just give me a copy of your current menu to scan or email a PDF of it to the contact below.
c2020 Area250 Computer Service

Let’s make something perfectly clear. I’ve heard people complain that has too many Google ads so they stopped using it. Put an ad blocker on your browser if you don’t want to see Google ads! This site costs over $500 a year in hosting and registration fees to keep up. Plus all the labour involved. Complain about out of town Google business ads all you like, but in 23 years local businesses have paid less than $100 in total to post ads. Google ads help a little.